Keeping servewares with lids malaysia is easy but how to manage meals in the refrigerator? A refrigerator is an essential appliance in every household, and it is where we store our food. However, if not organized correctly, the refrigerator can lead to food waste, which is a significant problem in Malaysia. Food waste not only wastes money but also contributes to environmental pollution. Therefore, it is essential to learn how to organize your refrigerator to reduce food waste. In this article, we will provide you with some tips on how to organize your fridge effectively.

What causes food waste?

Before we jump into the tips, let us understand what causes food waste. One of the main reasons is poor organization. When your refrigerator is disorganized, you may forget what you have in it, leading to expired or spoiled food. Besides, keeping food at the wrong temperature can also cause food waste. For instance, if you store fruits and vegetables in the wrong compartments, they may spoil quickly. Lastly, purchasing too much food than you need can also contribute to food waste.

How to organize your refrigerator to reduce food waste?

  1. Clean out your refrigerator

The first step in organizing your fridge is to clean it out. Remove all items from your fridge, including shelves and drawers. Throw away expired or spoiled food and wipe down the shelves and drawers with a damp cloth. This step helps you get rid of any bacteria that may have accumulated in your fridge.

  1. Store food at the right temperature

Storing food at the right temperature is crucial in reducing food waste. Keep your refrigerator at a temperature between 1-5°C and your freezer at -18°C. Store fruits and vegetables in the crisper drawer to keep them fresh for longer. Similarly, dairy products like milk and cheese should be kept on the top shelf where the temperature is cooler.

  1. Organize your shelves

Organize your shelves to ensure that everything has its place. Place items that need to be consumed quickly, like milk, on the top shelf where they are easily visible. Keep condiments like ketchup and mustard on the door shelf, where the temperature is less consistent.

  1. Label your food

Labeling your food can help you keep track of what needs to be consumed quickly. Use labels to mark the expiry dates of food, and you will always know what needs to be used first.

  1. Keep your fridge organized

Regularly organize your fridge to ensure that everything is in its place. Group similar items together, and stack them neatly to save space. Keep fruits and vegetables separate, so they do not ripen quickly.

enrico mantegazza B0ADZiToKgw unsplash 681x1024 - Reduce Food Waste: Organize Your Fridge Today!

The Advantages of organizing your refrigerator

Organizing your refrigerator has several advantages, including:

  • Saves you money: When you organize your fridge, you can keep track of what you have and what needs to be consumed quickly. This helps you avoid buying unnecessary items, which can save you money.
  • Reduces food waste: When you keep track of what you have, you are less likely to waste food.
  • Saves time: An organized fridge means you spend less time looking for items, and you know exactly what needs to be restocked.
  • Promotes healthy eating: When your fridge is organized, you are more likely to choose healthy food options, leading to a healthier lifestyle.


Organizing your refrigerator is essential in reducing food waste and saving money. Follow the tips provided in this article to organize your fridge effectively. Remember to clean out your fridge regularly, store food at the right temperature, label your food, and keep your fridge organized. By doing so, you will promote healthy eating, save time, and reduce food waste.

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