Science is a subject that most of us may not fancy, but there are a multitude of students out there who truly enjoy learning science in school! Science is all about understanding the natural and social world with a systematic method and based on evidence. If you are curious about some of the general science course in Malaysia that you can study, you should definitely keep reading. 

143111437 optimistic young adult spanish female nurse or medical student - What Are Some General Science Course In Malaysia You Can Study?

Foundation In Science Studies 

If science is something that piques your interest but you are not entirely sure on the exact field you would like to pursue for your undergraduate studies, you should definitely consider taking up a foundation in science course. 

RUMC provides a comprehensive Foundation in Science (FIS) programme that will prepare you to study a Medicine or similar degree in worldwide universities. It will provide you with early exposure to the medical and clinical fields in hospitals. Apart from that, studying their FIS programme will provide you with exposure with senior medical students who will be able to provide their experience and some guidance that students need. 

Studying the FIS programme in RUMC will also give you many opportunities to interact with doctors and nurses in different fields, which will help you choose your field of specialization too. Lastly, undertaking the FIS programme may potentially allow you to progress into the 5 year medical degree programme offered by RUMC itself, which is a great opportunity too! 

Why You Should Study a General Science Course in Malaysia

Firstly, if you are intimidated by the idea of traveling abroad to further your studies, RUMC is a good option as they provide you with the opportunity and choice to continue abroad if you ever feel like you would want to experience that. Apart from that, continuing with the FIS programme by RUMC is a great idea as you will be able to learn the basics of sciences and its’ application in health and medical sciences. 

You will also be able to engage in scientific topics, understand basic concepts of medicine and health as well as its relevant terminologies. Studying the FIS programme in RUMC will also help you develop a wide range of communication skills that will surely help you when you decide to pursue your undergraduate studies. 

An important part of the outcomes that you will receive as a FIS student at RUMC is that you will be able to master the basic lab skills and techniques you will surely need, whether you decide to further your studies in pharmacy or any specific medical field. It will also allow you to comprehend clinical and care-giving aspects of being a healthcare and medical professional.

science students in laboratory using microscopes laptop on workbench picture id914314308?k=20&m=914314308&s=612x612&w=0&h=WX3qJSkEveS MHvoQsA2aiFupSBQOyTLZJZEe2Q3pmY= - What Are Some General Science Course In Malaysia You Can Study?

Have we piqued your existing interest in science yet? If we have, you should definitely give RUMC’s website a visit as you will not regret choosing their university to study your foundation programme. Not only will it be a good option for you, but it will help you learn many things that you will need for your undergraduate degree! 

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