This might come as a surprise to most people, especially to the more conservative folk, but not all women want to become mothers. In fact, the rate of women deciding to forgo motherhood and buying nursing pillow Malaysia has risen significantly in recent years. These women have, unsurprisingly, faced a ton of backlash for making this decision that does not impact anybody but themselves, as is the case with most of the choices women make. Living in a world rampant with patriarchy is a difficult situation. But let’s set aside other people’s opinion on the matter and take a look at exactly why it is that some women are deciding against having children.

The current state of the world

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With political turmoil, rampant capitalism and climate change wreaking havoc all across the world, is it really any wonder that a lot of women are deciding against procreating? These smart women who think ahead just do not want to bring a new life into the world which will eventually be forced to suffer when living in it. Especially for women living in less privileged countries, this reason is a valid one. Having a child knowing that they will suffer is, objectively, a selfish choice. Ironically, women who don’t want kids are often labeled as selfish for making that decision but really, who is the true selfish party here? Food for thought.

Health problems

A big part of the reason why it’s incredibly rude and thoughtless to interrogate a woman on why she doesn’t want kids is it might be related to her health. Not everyone is healthy enough to have kids. Some women might have health issues that may be exacerbated if she were to get pregnant. Others might be forced to endure an incredibly uncomfortable pregnancy due to certain health concerns they have. In fact, certain women have vaginal issues such as vaginismus that makes it extremely painful to have sex therefore turning them away from the prospect of having kids. Hence, the decision to not give birth is something deeply personal and a sensitive topic to some women and they should not be forced to divulge their reasons to anyone.

They just don’t want to

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That being said, some women don’t make the decision to never have kids because it’s in their best interest healthwise. Certain women simply don’t want to have children because they prefer to have complete independence and freedom. These women don’t like the thought of sacrificing so much for the sake of their children which is a valid opinion considering women who have kids must always put them first. This lack of maternal instinct does not automatically make a woman selfish or less of a woman. Everyone should be allowed to make decisions on their own bodies and lives, women are no exception. People are born different, after all. If the thought of buying breast pumps and nursing pillow malaysia is distasteful to a woman then they shouldn’t have to endure it.

For centuries, society as a large has felt that they have a say on what women choose to do with their bodies. The right for women to make choices for themselves has still not been given completely to them and this is an injustice. Just as men are allowed to make decisions for themselves, women should be given the same right too. If a woman doesn’t want to be a mother, then so be it.

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